
French slang - argot français

From fluentu.com website, learn now very useful french slang ! Which word do you like best ?

15 French Slang Words Every French Learner Should Know

1 . Bordel

Bordel literally means brothel. However, these days bordel is more commonly used to describe a large mess. An example would be:
Range ta chambre. C’est le bordel. 
Clean your room. It’s a mess.

2 . Balle 

Balle as a singular, literally means bullet. Yet back in the day, balles was used as a slang word for francs, the French currency pre-2002. And when France moved on to the euro, balles moved with it and it is still sometimes used in reference to money. An example would be:
J’aime ton pantalon.
Merci. Je l’ai acheté au marché pour quinze balles.
I like your pants.
Thanks. I bought them at the market for 15 euros.

3. Baraque

The word baraque literally means shanty, or small house made of planks. However, recently the term has been adapted to refer to a house, or, as an adjective, baraqué,  someone who is really muscular.  For example:
On habite dans une grosse baraque avec 10 colocs.
We live in a large house with 10 other people.
En règle générale, les joueurs de rugby sont plus baraqués que les joueurs de foot.
Generally speaking, rugby players are more muscular than football players.

4. BG

These days BG is a popular acronym. It stands for beau gosse, which means hot guy. Gosse on it’s own though is slang for a child though so watch out! If you’re in Quebec, gosse is feminine and carries an entirely different connotation as a slang word for a part of the male anatomy that is generally used in the plural… So if you’re planning to use your slang in Canada, be aware of that difference, since there could be a few misunderstandings!

5 . BCBG

Another popular acronym, which is the French slang for preppy, is BCBG (bien chic bon genre).

6. Blé 

Blé literally translates as wheat in English. However, figuratively it has become a popular way of referring to money. (Another common way of referring to money in slang terms is fric or pognon). Here is an example:
Il gagne beaucoup de blé.
He earns a lot of money.

7. Bobo

Bobo is actually baby talk for une blessure (an injury)However, you will find that young people commonly use this term when referring to minor injuries such as cuts and bruises. An example might be:
Qu’est-ce qu’il y a?
J’ai un bobo sur le pied.
What’s the matter?
I have a scratch on my foot.

8. Bouffer

Bouffer literally means to puff up or balloon in size. However, it has become common practice to replace the word manger (to eat) with bouffer in everyday speech. And in turn, la bouffe is then used as another word for food. Here is an example:
J’ai trop mangé. J’ai bouffé un steak tartare avec des frites suivi d’une grosse tarte aux pommes.
I ate too much. I ate a steak tartare with fries followed by a big slice of apple tart.
Je suis allé en ville pour acheter de la bouffe.
I went into town to buy some food.

9. Une clope

A commonly used slang word, especially in Paris, is the argot for cigarette; une clope. For example:
T’aurais pas une clope?
You don’t happen to have a cig, do you?


Another term used by today’s generation, which you may not already know is the word  kiffer, which is slang for to like something (it works best with a hobby!). However, pay attention, if you kiffe quelqu’un, it implies that you desire that person. Here’s an example:
Je kiffe faire de la voile.
I really enjoy sailing.
Je kiffe ton frère.
like your brother. (I’m romantically interested in him).

11. Mec

The word mec is yet another commonly used slang term, and refers to boyfriends as well as guys in general. For example:
Il est beau, ce mec.
That guy is good-looking.
Tu viens avec ton mec?
Are you bringing your boyfriend?
Another type of slang that you might come across is verlan, which are French words spelled backwards, and often incorrectly, in slang. And while this concept might seem a bit intimidating at first, you will find that you pick it up in no time at all and probably without even realizing.

12. Meuf 

Our first example is meufwhich was originally femme. And, as with the word femme, this term can be used to refer to a female, or your girlfriend, although it can have pejorative connotations.

13. Relou

Our second example is relou, the verlan for lourd (heavy or taxing) and equivalent of chiant, which means annoying/exasperating. Here’s an example:
C’est trop relou!
That sucks!

14. Ouf 

Ouf is literally the French translation of the interjection phew as well as meaning crazy/awesome in verlan, being the backwards of fou (crazy/awesome).
On a fait un truc (de) ouf hier. 
*Here ’ouf’ can work as either an adjective, without the ’de’, or as a noun, with the ’d’. It’s up to you!
We did something crazy awesome yesterday.

15être vénère

And finally, our last slang word for today is another way of expressing that you are annoyed or angry; être vénèrewhich is the verlan of être énervé. An example would be quite simple:
Mathieu est vénère.
Matthew is annoyed.

Fête des pères

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 15 juin et c'est aussi la fête des pères. En France, la fête des pères est une invention d'un fabricant de briquets dans les années 50 ! Pour vendre plus de briquets, ils ont crée cette fête. La fête des mères date des années 20 et est devenue populaire pendant la seconde guerre mondiale. 


Gueules de Parisiens

Qu'est-ce qu'un Parisien ? C'est une question difficile. Il n'y a pas un Parisien mais des Parisiens. Voici une galerie de portraits de Parisiens. Qu'est-ce que vous en pensez ?

Gueules de Parisiens


Le Nutella a 50 ans !

 Vous connaissez le Nutella ? Aujourd'hui, il a 50 ans ! C'est un des produits préférés des Français. Les Français mangent 75000 tonnes chaque année de Nutella, contre 70000 tonnes en Allemagne et 50000 tonnes en Italie.

Le savez-vous ? 

Jusqu'en 1961, le Nutella s'appellait la Tartinoise (tartine means toast in French).

 L'ancêtre français du Nutella était "La Tartinoise", jusqu'en 1964.

 Le 5 février, c'est le jour mondial du Nutella !

En France, on dit LE Nutella (masculin) mais en Italie, on dit LA Nutella (féminin).

Il y a un produit favori dans votre pays ?


Relax ! C'est dimanche

   C'est dimanche et le dimanche, c'est le jour du Seigneur repos. Une petite vidéo sur la France et les stéréotypes sur les français. Qu'en pensez-vous ? It's Sunday and it is time to relax. Watch this video about France and French stereotypes. Is it near to the truth according to you ?

En anglais : 

En français :


L'humour à la française...

C'est le Week-end, on se lâche ! It's the end of week meaning What The French time !

Vous aimez l'humour ? Vous aimez le français ? Cette vidéo est faite pour vous !
You like French humour and French language ? Just watch this video (with English subtitles).
Attention aux âmes sensibles : l'humour français est souvent en dessous de la ceinture :)
There might be strong language and sexual contents. French humour is usually quite saucy.

Expression du jour : En mai, fais ce qu'il te plait !

   Le mois de mai est arrivé et il y a un dicton en France : En mai, fais ce qu'il te plait. We've got an old saying in French about the month of May. In May, do whatever you want.

Avez-vous un dicton dans votre langue à propos du mois de mai ? Do you have a proverb in your language regarding the month of May ?